Authorities and Administration

The creation of ICALDE has really been encourage by Congregation for Catholic Education of the Holy See. ICALDE is placed under the supervision of the superior counsel who determines general orientation of the institute.

The Superiority counsel meets in extra ordinary session once a year or on convocation of its president. It is made up of the following members:

  • the Superior General of the pious school ;
  • the Delegate of Superior General of the ICALDE ;
  • the procincial Superior of the pious school in Central Africa :
  • ICALDE’S Director  ;
  • a teacher’s representative ;
  • a students representatives.

Apart from statutory members designated by their titles, the president of the counsel can invite in sessions of this all other person due to its expertise or competence for a particular  theme. The Secretary general of ICALDE is the reporter of meets of the counsel. ICALDE is administer by a director, assisted by a counsel of direction. This counsel of direction is made up of the following members:

  • Assistant director in charge of infrastructure and technology ;
  • Secretary general ;
  • Head of department of accounting and finance.

The institute is made up of

  • a head of technical service ;
  • a head of translation service ;
  • a head of communication service and public service;
  • an HOD for the training.