Vision of ICALDE
- Wednesday October 25th, 2017
- Posted by: Stephane LONTSI
- Category: Non classé
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ICALDE aims to contribute in PEACE-BUILDING throughout the world. As its contribution to the realization of full education for all, ICALDE trains women and men:
- in acquiring general skills on fundamental rights, conduct of public affairs as well as specialized skills in rights to education, education policies and in one of the specialties offered by the Institute;
- in the respect for the inalienable dignity of the human person and the values of justice, equity, service and protection of the entire creation.
Trainings are offered in the following specialties: Leadership, Lobbying and advocacy.
An ICALDE’s specialist in Leadership is skilled to:
- evaluate and understand education systems and policies in countries or international organizations;
- develop / implement education programs;
- coordinate activities on training and implementation of education policies;
- propose innovative solutions to education challenges.
An ICALDE’s specialist in Lobbying is skilled to:
- analyse and evaluate education systems and policies in countries or in the world;
- develop / drive strategies of influence in education decision-making;
- influence the content of draft and proposed bills on education;
- ensure strategic intelligence on all education issues.
An ICALDE’s specialist in Advocacy is skilled to:
- promote pro-education legal and political instruments;
- raise awareness among stakeholders in the implementation of education policies;
- detect difficulties in the implementation of education policies;
- monitor and control the implementation of education policies and instruments;
- defend the rights and promote access to education by minority groups and disadvantaged populations.